TMJ Treatment


TMJ stands for Temporomandibular Joint. That is the joint that connects the jawbone to the skull on each side. Temporomandibular Disorder, or TMD, refers to issues affecting the TMJ and the muscles and soft tissues that surround it. Common TMD symptoms include:

  • Jaw pain
  • Clicking jaw joint
  • Jaw stiffness
  • Stuck jaw, open or closed
  • Clenching or grinding teeth
  • Pain in cheeks and temples

Causes of TMD

There are a number of issues that can cause TMD. The most common is subconscious clenching or grinding of the teeth. This usually occurs during sleep or when under high amounts of stress. Patients with this type of TMD may find that their symptoms vary depending on their level of stress.

Other causes of TMD can include:

  • Jaw joint disc out of place
  • Osteoarthritis damage to joint
  • Swelling inside the joint
  • Poor posture muscle strain
  • Joint inflammation or strain

Diagnosing TMD

During your visit, our team will take a detailed dental and medical history. Tell us about any symptoms or injuries to the TMJ area. Be sure to notify us of any chronic illnesses or medications you are taking.

Next, our doctors will perform a comprehensive exam of your head and neck. We will pay particular attention to the jaw muscles and joints. We may recommend a screening X-ray to rule out other issues. At this point, we can recommend an initial treatment plan in most cases.


We will recommend a conservative treatment plan based on your individual needs. We can help relieve TMD pain, reduce stiffness, and increase function.


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Dentist Hickman

Hickman Location

650 Chestnut - Suite 2,
Hickman, NE 68372

(402) 792-3000

Family First Dental - Dr. Rachel Tiejten

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