Unlocking the Power of Daily Flossing: Tips from Your Dentist in Hickman | Dentist Near Me

At Family 1st Dental in Hickman, we understand the importance of daily flossing in maintaining optimal oral health. If you’ve ever wondered why flossing is crucial, here are four compelling reasons to make it a part of your daily routine:

1. Preventative Care: Flossing isn’t just about removing food particles stuck between your teeth; it’s a crucial step in preventing tooth decay and preserving your dental health. By eliminating plaque and bacteria from areas unreachable by your toothbrush, you can maintain a healthier smile.

2. Prevent Gingivitis and Gum Disease: Your gums deserve as much attention as your teeth. Regular flossing helps prevent gum disease by reducing the presence of periodontal pathogens, gum bleeding, and decay-causing bacteria. Research from New York University College of Dentistry supports the benefits of flossing in maintaining gum health.

3. Protect Your Smile: Flossing goes beyond cavity prevention; it also preserves the integrity of the bones supporting your teeth. By maintaining the height of these bony structures, you not only preserve your smile’s health but also promote a youthful appearance for years to come.

4. Enhance Overall Health: Gum disease isn’t just a concern for your mouth; it’s been linked to various systemic health issues, including heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and respiratory diseases. Incorporating daily flossing into your routine isn’t just an oral hygiene habit; it’s a step towards promoting your overall well-being as you age.

At Family 1st Dental in Hickman, we offer a range of oral health solutions tailored to meet your specific needs. Our dedicated dental team is here to customize a health plan that ensures your smile stays healthy and vibrant. Schedule your appointment with us today and take the first step towards a lifetime of optimal oral health.

Family First Dental – Hickman
Phone: (402) 792-3000
650 Chestnut Street, Suite 2
Hickman, NE 68372

Dentist in Hickman’s Advice: Reevaluating Fruit Juice for Healthy Teeth | Dentist Near Me

As your trusted dental care provider, Family 1st Dental in Hickman wants to shed light on a common misconception: fruit juice may not be as tooth-friendly as you think. Despite being labeled as “100 percent fruit juice,” these beverages can pose risks to your dental health due to their sugar content. Here’s what you need to know about the latest recommendations from your Dentist in Hickman.

No Fruit Juice for Infants Under 12 Months: Previously, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) advised against giving fruit juice to infants under 6 months old. However, recent updates now recommend refraining from fruit juice for infants under 12 months of age. At Family 1st Dental, we support these guidelines to promote optimal oral health from the start.

Balancing Vitamins and Sugar: While fruit juice can be rich in essential vitamins like vitamin C and potassium, it also contains high levels of sugar. Medical News Today reports that fruit juices may contain up to 2 teaspoons of sugar per 100 milliliters. This sugar content contributes to tooth decay, particularly in children.

Minimizing Tooth Decay Risk: Tooth decay is a significant concern, especially for young children. The AAP advises against serving fruit juice in “sippy cups,” as these cups prolong exposure to decay-causing sugar, creating an ideal environment for dental problems. Moderation is key, with the AAP recommending specific daily limits based on age.

Promoting Moderation and Dilution: For children aged 1 to 3, limit fruit juice intake to a maximum of 4 ounces per day. For older children, the recommended daily amounts vary. Consider diluting fruit juice with water to reduce sugar content and protect your child’s dental health. Adults should also be mindful of their sugary drink consumption to maintain healthy teeth.

Partnering for Optimal Oral Health: At Family 1st Dental in Hickman, we prioritize your family’s dental well-being. Regular visits to our office allow our team to monitor your child’s oral health and provide comprehensive screenings and treatments for decay. If your child exceeds the recommended fruit juice intake, schedule an extra cleaning with our team to address any concerns promptly.

Schedule Your Visit Today: Ready to prioritize your family’s oral health? Schedule a visit to our dental office in Hickman today. Our dedicated team is here to guide you toward a lifetime of healthy smiles. Contact us to book your appointment and take the first step towards optimal oral health for your family.

Family First Dental – Hickman
Phone: (402) 792-3000
650 Chestnut Street, Suite 2
Hickman, NE 68372

Breaking Bad Habits: Protecting Your Dental Health in Hickman

We all have habits we wish we could kick, but did you know that some of them can harm your teeth? Here are six common habits and tips on how to break them for the sake of your oral health:

  1. Nail Biting

Why it’s harmful: Nail biting can chip teeth, impact the tooth, and damage gums. Prolonged jaw pressure can also lead to discomfort and jaw issues.

The solution: Consider wearing a mouth guard or trying therapy techniques to break the habit. Reduce stress and try bitter-tasting nail polish to deter biting.

  1. Brushing Too Hard

Why it’s harmful: Brushing too vigorously can damage teeth and irritate gums, leading to gum recession and inefficient cleaning.

The solution: Opt for a soft toothbrush and apply gentle pressure. Angle the brush bristles towards the gums at a 45-degree angle for effective cleaning without abrasion.

  1. Grinding and Clenching

Why it’s harmful: Teeth grinding can cause chips, cracks, muscle tenderness, and joint pain, leading to chewing discomfort and limited mouth opening.

The solution: Practice relaxation techniques to reduce grinding and consider wearing a mouthguard, especially at night, to protect teeth from damage.

  1. Chewing Ice Cubes

Why it’s harmful: Ice and tooth enamel are both crystals, and chewing ice can cause tooth breakage or enamel damage.

The solution: Avoid chewing ice cubes. Opt for ice-free beverages or use a straw to minimize contact with teeth.

  1. Constant Snacking

Why it’s harmful: Frequent snacking, especially on sugary foods, increases the risk of cavities as bacteria thrive on leftover food particles, producing acids that erode tooth enamel.

The solution: Opt for balanced meals to stay fuller longer and avoid sugary snacks. If you indulge, rinse with water afterward to neutralize acids.

  1. Using Your Teeth as a Tool

Why it’s harmful: Using teeth to open bottles or cut objects can lead to chips, breaks, or jaw injuries.

The solution: Avoid using teeth as tools and always opt for proper tools like scissors. Protect your dental health and prevent costly complications.

Ready to Kick These Habits?

If you’re ready to break these harmful habits and safeguard your dental health, contact our Hickman office to schedule your next dental appointment. We’re here to help you maintain a healthy, beautiful smile for years to come.

Family First Dental – Hickman
Phone: (402) 792-3000
650 Chestnut Street, Suite 2
Hickman, NE 68372

Beyond Wrinkles: The Surprising Benefits of Botox in Dentistry | Hickman NE Dentist

Botox, or Botulinum toxin, has long been associated with cosmetic treatments for facial wrinkles and fine lines. However, in recent years, its application has expanded into the realm of dentistry. At Family 1st Dental – Hickman, your trusted Hickman NE Dentist, we utilize Botox as a safe and effective treatment option for various dental issues, including temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders, bruxism, and facial pain conditions.

Understanding Botox in Dentistry

Botox injections offer a unique ability to relax muscles and alleviate pain. This quick and straightforward treatment has garnered popularity among patients seeking relief from dental-related discomfort. Many individuals have reported significant improvements in their symptoms following Botox therapy.

Treating TMJ Disorders

TMJ disorders, often stemming from stress, teeth grinding, or jaw trauma, can cause significant pain and discomfort. Botox injections target the muscles responsible for these symptoms, effectively reducing pain severity and improving overall quality of life.

Addressing Bruxism

Bruxism, characterized by teeth grinding, can lead to worn teeth, jaw pain, and headaches. Botox injections help relax the muscles involved in grinding, thereby diminishing the frequency and intensity of bruxism episodes.

Managing Facial Pain Conditions

Beyond TMJ disorders and bruxism, Botox proves beneficial for treating facial pain conditions like trigeminal neuralgia and chronic migraines. By blocking the release of pain-causing chemicals, Botox provides relief from inflammation and discomfort.

Seeking Qualified Dental Care

It’s essential to partner with a qualified and experienced dentist trained in the use of Botox in dentistry. Dentists administering Botox should possess in-depth knowledge of facial anatomy and adeptly identify appropriate injection sites for optimal results.

Understanding Treatment Duration and Side Effects

While Botox offers temporary relief, patients should expect to repeat treatments every few months to maintain effectiveness. Additionally, potential side effects such as bruising, swelling, and muscle weakness should be considered.


In conclusion, Botox emerges as a safe and effective treatment avenue for various dental concerns, enhancing patient dental health and quality of life. At Family 1st Dental – Hickman, we are committed to providing comprehensive dental care, including innovative solutions like Botox therapy. For more information or to explore Botox treatment options, please contact our dental office. We look forward to serving you and improving your dental well-being.

Family First Dental – Hickman
Phone: (402) 792-3000
Url: https://www.ffdhickman.com/
650 Chestnut Street, Suite 2
Hickman, NE 68372

Tooth Sensitivity and What it Means | Hickman Dentist

Experiencing tooth sensitivity can put a damper on your day, causing discomfort with every sip of hot coffee or bite of ice cream. At Family 1st Dental – Hickman, your trusted Hickman dentist, we understand the frustration that comes with tooth sensitivity. Let’s delve into what tooth sensitivity means and how to address it effectively.

Understanding Tooth Sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity manifests as a sharp or shooting pain triggered by various stimuli, such as hot or cold temperatures, sweet or sour foods, or even just exposure to air. Approximately 1 in 8 people grapple with tooth sensitivity at some point in their lives, making it a common dental concern.

Causes of Tooth Sensitivity

Enamel erosion stands as one of the primary culprits behind tooth sensitivity. Enamel, the hard outer layer of the tooth, shields the underlying dentin and pulp layers. When enamel wears away, the sensitive dentin becomes exposed, leading to sensitivity. Acidic foods and beverages, tooth decay, and aggressive brushing contribute to enamel erosion. Preventing enamel erosion involves limiting acidic intake, maintaining proper oral hygiene, and using a soft-bristled toothbrush.

Gum recession also plays a role in tooth sensitivity. This occurs when gum tissue recedes, uncovering the tooth’s roots. Gum recession can result from periodontal disease, vigorous brushing, or genetic predispositions. Prevention strategies include diligent oral hygiene, gentle brushing, and avoiding tobacco products.

Addressing Tooth Sensitivity

To alleviate tooth sensitivity, consider using desensitizing toothpaste containing special ingredients that block pain signals. Additionally, fluoride rinses, dietary modifications to avoid acidic foods and drinks, and consistent oral hygiene practices can help reduce sensitivity.

In more severe cases, your dentist may recommend interventions like applying fluoride varnish or gel, bonding teeth with resin material, or performing a root canal if the nerve is damaged.

Seek Professional Guidance

If you’re experiencing tooth sensitivity alongside other symptoms like toothache, swelling, or fever, don’t hesitate to seek dental attention promptly. Ignoring these symptoms could lead to more severe dental issues later on. Our experienced team at Family 1st Dental – Hickman is here to diagnose the underlying cause of your tooth sensitivity and provide tailored treatment to restore your comfort and oral health.

Don’t let tooth sensitivity hold you back from enjoying life’s simple pleasures. Schedule a visit with us today, and let’s work together to address your tooth sensitivity effectively. Your smile deserves the best care possible!

Family First Dental – Hickman
Phone: (402) 792-3000
Url: https://www.ffdhickman.com/
650 Chestnut Street, Suite 2
Hickman, NE 68372

Exploring the Potential Link Between Gum Disease and Cancer: What You Need to Know | Dentist 68372

Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is a common oral health problem that affects millions of people worldwide. The condition is caused by bacterial infection of the gum tissue, which can lead to inflammation, bleeding, and eventual tooth loss. While gum disease is primarily associated with oral health problems, recent studies have suggested a potential link between gum disease and cancer.

Research has suggested that the inflammation caused by gum disease may contribute to the development of certain types of cancer. Chronic inflammation is known to be a major factor in the development of cancer, and studies have shown that the inflammation associated with gum disease can spread throughout the body and potentially contribute to the development of cancerous cells. In particular, there is evidence to suggest that gum disease may be linked to an increased risk of developing certain types of cancer, such as pancreatic cancer, kidney cancer, and blood cancers such as leukemia and lymphoma.

While the link between gum disease and cancer is still being studied, there are several theories as to how the two may be connected. One theory is that the bacteria that cause gum disease can release toxins that damage DNA, leading to the development of cancerous cells. Another theory is that the inflammation caused by gum disease can weaken the immune system, making it more susceptible to cancerous growths.

While more research is needed to fully understand the link between gum disease and cancer, there are steps that individuals can take to reduce their risk of both conditions. Maintaining good oral hygiene practices, such as brushing and flossing regularly, can help prevent the development of gum disease. Additionally, individuals should seek regular dental checkups to identify and treat gum disease in its early stages.

In addition to good oral hygiene practices, individuals can also reduce their risk of cancer by making healthy lifestyle choices. Eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, exercising regularly, and avoiding tobacco products and excessive alcohol consumption can all help reduce the risk of cancer. By taking these steps to improve their overall health and reduce their risk of gum disease and cancer, individuals can take control of their well-being and live healthier, happier lives.

In conclusion, while the link between gum disease and cancer is still being studied, there is evidence to suggest that the inflammation caused by gum disease may contribute to the development of certain types of cancer. By maintaining good oral hygiene practices and making healthy lifestyle choices, individuals can reduce their risk of both gum disease and cancer, and improve their overall health and well-being.

Family First Dental – Hickman
Phone: (402) 792-3000
650 Chestnut Street, Suite 2
Hickman, NE 68372

Are Your Medications Damaging Your Oral Health? | Dentist Hickman

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nearly half of all Americans are currently taking prescription medications and more than half take vitamins or other dietary supplements. Even when used as directed and under medical supervision, you may experience medication side effects that can impact your oral health. Always let us know if you are taking any medicines or supplements and if those have changed since your last visit. 

Here are some common side effects of medications that can impact your oral health: 

Abnormal Bleeding 

Blood thinning and reduced clotting accompany the use of some medications. This can cause problems with excessive bleeding during treatments for periodontal disease or oral surgery. Your dentist needs to know if you are taking any medications or supplements before scheduling any treatment that may involve bleeding. 

Dry Mouth 

Many medications can cause reduced saliva production. When your mouth does not produce enough saliva, it is more susceptible to inflammation and infection, tooth decay, and other oral health problems. 

Fungal Infection 

Oral Candidiasis is an oral fungal infection that can affect those who use oral inhalers for asthma and other breathing conditions. We encourage patients with inhalers to rinse their mouth thoroughly with water after using their inhaler. 

Gum Tissue Enlargement 

Overgrowth or enlargement of gum tissue may occur as a side effect of certain medications. Patients with this condition need to give special attention to keeping teeth and gums clean to prevent inflammation or decay. 

Soft Tissue Reactions 

Inflammation, oral sores, or discoloration of soft tissues can occur as a side effect of some medications. If you experience this type of reaction, we may be able to prescribe a special oral hygiene regimen that can alleviate your discomfort. 

Tooth Decay 

While tooth decay is not directly a side effect of medication, several types of medicines use sugar to improve the flavor, especially those in liquid, chewable, and lozenge forms. When these are taken over a period of time, the sugars left on the teeth can make the patient more likely to develop tooth decay. When possible, select sugar-free versions of medications, take with meals, or rinse your mouth after taking a sugared medicine. 

Severe tooth decay can lead to the need for Endodontic treatment, such as a root canal, and can even lead to tooth loss. If you have concerns about your medications, contact your dentist immediately.

Family First Dental – Hickman
Phone: (402) 792-3000
650 Chestnut Street, Suite 2
Hickman, NE 68372

Protecting Your Child’s Smile: The Importance of Mouthguards in Sports | 68372 Dentist

Mouth guards are an essential piece of protective gear for children who play sports. Sports-related dental injuries can be serious, painful, and costly to treat. In fact, according to the American Dental Association, athletes who don’t wear mouth guards are 60 times more likely to experience dental injuries. This is why it’s important to make sure your child wears a mouth guard when playing sports.

Mouth guards are designed to absorb shock and protect the teeth, lips, cheeks, and tongue from injury during sports. They can help prevent broken teeth, knocked-out teeth, and cuts or bruises to the mouth. They can also prevent concussions by reducing the impact of a blow to the jaw.

There are different types of mouth guards available. Stock mouth guards are pre-formed and ready to wear, but they may not fit well and can make it difficult to breathe or speak. Boil-and-bite mouth guards are made from thermoplastic material that softens in hot water and can be molded to fit the child’s teeth. Custom-fitted mouth guards are made by a dentist and provide the best fit and protection.

When choosing a mouth guard, it’s important to consider the type of sport your child plays, as well as the child’s age and size. Some sports, such as football, hockey, and wrestling, have a higher risk of dental injury than others, so a more protective mouth guard may be necessary. Younger children may need a smaller mouth guard that fits their smaller teeth and mouth.

In addition to protecting teeth, mouth guards can also improve performance by helping to stabilize the jaw and reduce muscle fatigue. They can also help athletes breathe better, which can improve endurance.

It’s important to make sure your child’s mouth guard fits properly and is in good condition. A mouth guard that is too loose or too tight can be uncomfortable and may not provide adequate protection. Mouth guards should be replaced if they become worn or damaged.

Overall, mouth guards are an important piece of protective gear for children who play sports. They can help prevent serious dental injuries and improve performance. Parents should encourage their children to wear mouth guards and help them choose the right type and fit. By taking these precautions, parents can help ensure that their children stay safe and healthy while playing sports. For more information on how you can keep your child’s smile safe while playing sports, contact our dental office to schedule a consultation.

Family First Dental – Hickman
Phone: (402) 792-3000
650 Chestnut Street, Suite 2
Hickman, NE 68372

Do You Brush Your Teeth Too Much? | Hickman Dentist

Brushing your teeth is a vital step in maintaining good oral health. However, is there such a thing as over-brushing? 

The American Dental Association recommends you brush your teeth for 2 minutes, twice a day. People sometimes brush after every meal, or brush midday to freshen up. Although this is not always a bad thing, when you start brushing too much or for too long, you can ultimately damage your teeth. 

Brushing more than three times a day, and for longer than 2 minutes, can sometimes lead to your tooth enamel wearing down as well as cause damage to your gums. Tooth enamel is the hardest substance in the human body and helps fight against tooth decay. Over-brushing can damage this shield and cause teeth to become sensitive and prone to cavities. 

Practicing proper oral hygiene care at home is an important part of your overall oral health. However, being aware of how much is too much is equally important in keeping your smile healthy.  

Using the right kind of toothbrush helps prevent unnecessary enamel erosion. It is recommended you use a toothbrush with the ADA Seal of Acceptance. The Seal of Acceptance shows that: 

  • All of the toothbrush components are safe for use in the mouth. 
  • Bristles are free of sharp or jagged edges (a soft-bristled toothbrush helps prevent the wearing down of enamel). 
  • The toothbrush can be used to provide a significant decrease in mild gum disease and plaque. 

Scheduling regular professional cleanings and exams with our dentist will keep your mouth healthy.  

Contact our office today to schedule a cleaning and comprehensive exam with our dentist.

Family First Dental – Hickman
Phone: (402) 792-3000
650 Chestnut Street, Suite 2
Hickman, NE 68372

Decrease Your Odds of Hypertension | Dentist Hickman

You may be unaware of how your oral health can be an indicator of your overall health.  The warning signs of systemic health conditions, such as diabetes and heart disease, can often be found by during a routine examination at our dental office.  You may be surprised to find out that hypertension (high blood pressure) may also be linked to your oral health habits. 

A recent study published in the Journal of Periodontology suggests that there is a link between oral hygiene and high blood pressure, based on the results of almost 20,000 adults surveyed in the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES).  It was found that individuals with poor oral hygiene habits, such as infrequent brushing of teeth, were more likely to suffer from hypertension.  Individuals that brushed their teeth more than once daily and also utilized other oral health products such as floss or mouthwash were less likely to suffer from hypertension.  The study concluded that maintaining good oral hygiene habits may help prevent or control high blood pressure. 

Good oral hygiene is essential to a healthy life and regular dental visits are important in maintaining good oral health.  Contact our office to schedule your appointment for an examination and cleaning.

Family First Dental – Hickman
Phone: (402) 792-3000
650 Chestnut Street, Suite 2
Hickman, NE 68372

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Dentist Hickman

Unlocking the Power of Daily Flossing: Tips from Your Dentist in Hickman | Dentist Near Me

At Family 1st Dental in Hickman, we understand the importance of daily flossing in maintaining optimal oral health. If you’ve ever wondered why flossing is crucial, here are four compelling reasons to make it a part of your daily routine: […]

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Dentist in Hickman’s Advice: Reevaluating Fruit Juice for Healthy Teeth | Dentist Near Me

As your trusted dental care provider, Family 1st Dental in Hickman wants to shed light on a common misconception: fruit juice may not be as tooth-friendly as you think. Despite being labeled as “100 percent fruit juice,” these beverages can […]

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Breaking Bad Habits: Protecting Your Dental Health in Hickman

We all have habits we wish we could kick, but did you know that some of them can harm your teeth? Here are six common habits and tips on how to break them for the sake of your oral health: […]

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